Quantum Healing Hypnosis Techniqueā„ 

... may be the most profound and transformational experience of your life. QHHTĀ® is a journey in consciousness, a pathway to finding that all answers and healing lie within.

Suzanne's sessions are held at her office in Des Moines, Iowa. Online sessions are not available. Suzanne is currently booked through 2028, and no openings are available at this time. If you would like to be added to Suzanne's waitlist to be notified of new session dates, please click the button below to join her newsletter.


Why Try QHHT®?

People come for a QHHT® session for many reasons. Some come out of curiosity, some have questions about their life purpose, family, work, or health issues. Clients come with life threatening diseases, pain, discomfort, depression or addictions. They come with a desire to make their life better.

Some clients want to better understand why their life has been the way it has, and more importantly, how to move forward in the best way possible.

Many times they may feel an inner knowing that they are meant to be doing “something” different with their life but need clarity on what that something is. And sometimes they come with questions about our universe, God or Source and their connection to it.

Why Work with Suzanne?

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Techniqueā„  was developed by Dolores Cannon in over 45 years of groundbreaking work. Suzanne Spooner was personally recommended by Dolores as one of her practitioners working very pure to the way Dolores taught and gave her own sessions.

Suzanne enjoyed assisting Dolores in her live classes in the United States, and since Dolores' passing in 2014, Suzanne has taught Level 1 Companion classes and the highest Level 3 classes, along with assisting Dolores' daughter, Julia Cannon, in live classes and QHHT® events.

Suzanne is now the Director of Dolores Cannon's Official Worldwide Professional Support Forum for Practitioners of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Techniqueā„ .


* The sections “QHHT® History” and “QHHT® Healing” are courtesy of https://qhhtofficial.com

If you are a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Techniqueā„  practitioner and want to copy and paste this page/text to your own website please credit Suzanne Spooner and include a live link back to https://www.suzannespooner.com/quantum-healing-hypnosis-technique

Ā© 2024 Suzanne Spooner